News Story
ECE Co-sponsors Workshop on Vehicular Cybersecurity
Published October 25, 2012
Professor Gang Qu (ECE/ISR/MC2) is organizing a workshop on cyber-security and dependability for next generation vehicular systems. The one-and-half-day workshop will be held in the Robert H. Smith School of Business in the University of Maryland, College Park on November 8 and 9.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss, identify and address the challenges related to achieving real-time safety, dependability, availability, and security for forthcoming generations of CyberVehicle systems. The workshop brings together experts from industry, government, defense, and research domains to highlight the standing challenges in this area and discuss the various approaches/initiatives needed for addressing these challenges. The sessions will cover security threats and attacks; car (embedded) security systems; car (embedded) components security; and the industry perspective on safety and dependability.
The workshop is free, but on invitation only. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact Dr. Qu ( The workshop is funded by Army Research Laboratory and supported by multiple units on the campus (ECE, ISR, MC2, Smith School of Business). For more information, please visit